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Our Editors

Devansh mishrA


Hi, I’m Devansh. I live in Bangalore, India, and I am a high school student. My passions range far and wide, spanning into a broad array of things, including sports and math. Creativity is one of my strengths, one of the many things I bring to the table. Writing this newspaper has been like a dream come true, as I wasn’t able to find time to do some serious writing, something I’m passionate about. This newspaper has provided me with an ideal opportunity to express my unadulterated self.

Snigdha Dhameja 

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Is this thing on? I’m Snigdha, and I can either be found with a book or a sullen expression on my face at any given point in time.  My creativity is best expressed through my writing (and the terrible jokes I make), filled with quirks, humour and deep thought. Having been terribly shy for a larger part of my life, I turned to writing to speak up and create a unique voice for myself. Voltaire once said, “To hold a pen is to be at war.” I hope my pen doesn’t start wars, but end them.

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